Submitted by irturner on Sun, 12/11/2017 - 20:54

Found the following jelly fungus and a strange flower like sprout on a moss covered wall the former looks like Exidia plana though there's no records for this or its other names and the disc like flower is a complete mystery so wondering if you can identify them for me.

Also the mold like growth that looks like lots of small cheese gratings

Hmm not adding more than one picture so adding links for the others!Ajtr8hX9V7tE9GW0KcP6o9y3Ovan!Ajtr8hX9V7tE9G7k7vRz5vfdGSg1


That sounds possible given the size and shape. I'll go down there again this weekend as despite spending 4 hours there I didn't get any further than the general area round the old house and want to check out the drive ascending the hill.