Identify 100 Species


You may be able to recognise a few wildlife species already but proving you can accurately identify 100 from Leicestershire and Rutland and across several different groups is a real achievement. Accepting the 100 Species challenge will help you to do just this and is a great way to develop your skills as an amateur naturalist and learn more about the wildlife around us. As the 100 species have to represent at least 10 different wildlife groups, you will be introduced to some fascinating animals and plants that will almost certainly be new to you. We will support you along the journey with useful guides, training and ID help - and when you have reached the target you will be awarded a personalised certificate to prove your achievement!




JOIN NOW and get...

Full access to our library of ID guides

Unlimited ID help

Invitation to online training events

Invitation to join a guided walk and skills development event

Your own 100 Species dashboard detailing your progress

A personalised certificate when the target is achieved


5 reasons


Getting started is easy....

* Free places now available *

  1. The 100 Species challenge is open to all. If you don't already have a NatureSpot account, just register on the home page (it is free and just takes a couple of minutes). Once registered, just email to let us know you want to sign up.
  2. Thanks to Leicester City Council, we are offering free places to the first 100 people to sign up! If you do not qualify for a free place, you can still join by making a donation of £20 to help NatureSpot’s work. Use our 100 Species donation page.

Once set up....

You will receive a welcome email with more information and guidance, together with access to our 100 Species support pages and identification guides. You will also have  your own progress chart on your dashboard page to keep a tally of how you are doing. All your submitted records and images can be viewed and edited on your dashboard.

You can download our ID Guides describing over 200 species which we think can be easily found and identified. During the year you will be invited to join both an online (Zoom) training session and a guided wildlife ID walk, with links to recorded training sessions you can view at your leisure.

You can then start recording the wildlife species that you observe and identify using either the NatureSpot website or our mobile phone app.



Find out more about Saving the Saffron Brook project.