100 Species - FAQs
Who is it for?
The 100 Species Challenge is open to all but is particularly targetted at those with an interest in nature who can't name many of the plants and animals they encounter and would like to learn more. As NatureSpot can only accept records of wildlife seen in Leicestershire or Rutland it isn't suitable for those who live elsewhere, unless they regularly visit the two counties.
Can children join?
Yes but with adult help. The 100 Species Challenge would be an ideal activity for any child of perhaps 8 or older, supported by an adult family member or friend. The colourful ID Guides make great spotter sheets and having a target to work towards appeals to many children, especially with the certificate when completed. The registration on NatureSpot needs to be led by an adult though it is perfectly acceptable to enter either the family name or two names together. Likewise the inputting of records must be supervised by an adult. If you would like your child to participate then do it together!
Which species?
It is up to you which species to record, there is no set list. They do however need to be seen in Leicestershire or Rutland. Our ID Guides do suggest target species that we know are common, relatively easy to find and are generally simple to identify. This scheme has been designed to challenge you to learn about a wide range of nature. Your 100 species must therefore include species from at least 10 different wildlife groups (as listed on the gallery menu on the NatureSpot home page). A maximum of 20 species in any one group (eg. Birds or Wildflowers) will count towards your target.
Do I have to stick to the species featured in the ID guides?
No. You can record any species that you are able to identify. The ID Guides are there to provide ideas and to point you to species which are generally easy to find and to recognise.
Why are photos important?
The wildlife records you submit as part of the 100 Species Challenge will form part of a larger dataset used to help conservation. To be useful the records need to be accurate and reliable, so there needs to be evidence that the species identity is correct. A photo (or photos) is the best way to achieve this for many species. It also enables are specialists who check every record to correct the ID if the photo shows it to be a different species. We appreciate that it isn't always possible to get a photo so a brief description in the comments box (on the species row) may suffice for some species, particularly birds.
Why can I only count a maximum of 20 species in any one group towards my target?
The aim of the 100 Species challenge is to introduce people to a wide range of local wildlife and to extend the knowledge of those who are very familiar with a particular group (such as birds, wildflowers or moths). By requiring the species to come from at least 10 different groups it will introduce you to less familiar species and as a result you will become a more rounded naturalist.
What happens if I can't make the dates for the online and site-based training events?
The online events will be recorded and the links to these made available to you so you can catch up whenever it is convenient. There will be a succession of on-site meetings so if you can't make one you are welcome to join one of the others.
Where can I record wildlife?
You can record any wildlife species you observe in either Leicestershire or Rutland. Providing the species have arrived there naturally (ie not planted garden flowers) you can record from gardens, parks, streets or anywhere you visit. Leicestershire and Rutland represent a historical recording area (referred to as Vice-county 55, or VC55) as they were once a single county. This allows records to be compared and analysed over time, regardless of any political boundary changes. NatureSpot is dedicated to recording wildlife in this area.
Why do I already have some species counting towards my target?
If you have already recorded wildlife on NatureSpot then these will count towards your target. You have already demonstrated that you know these species so are on your way towards the 100 species. The 100 species tab on Your Dashboard page will tell you how many species and groups you have recorded to date.
Can I edit my records?
Yes, you can reopen the records form to make an edit or perhaps add another photo at any time. If you have made a mistake with the species use the red X to delete that entry and then start typing the correct species until you can select it from the drop down menu. To do any of this, find the relevant entry on the Records tab of the dashboard and click the 'edit' icon in the right hand column.
How do I get my certificate?
Keep checking your dashboard page to monitor your progress towards 100 correctly identified species from 10 or more wildlife groups. Once reached you will receive an email to confirm your success and you can then access and download your certificate from the dashboard page. We hope you will have enjoyed the challenge and see this as just the start of your wildlife journey. You are warmly invited to keep recording wildlife with NatureSpot. Learning about nature is one of the most rewarding and life-affirming things you can do, a life-long interest!
If you have any other questions or suggestions for this page, please email