Submitted by AJ Cann on Mon, 16/03/2020 - 10:00

In our time of need, NatureSpot has decided to spread some joy. Read more...

Update: Since this item was published, UK Government guidance on COVID-19 has changed. Please stay safe. 

Over the next few months we are all going to have to look for joy wherever we can find it, but if you scratch the surface, it's there. The days are getting longer, birds are nesting, plants are sprouting, and the sun is actually shining. Even better, experts are back in favour with the Government (at NatureSpot, experts are always in favour). It's generally a good idea to follow expert advice, and some of that currently includes social distancing.

To habitual biological recorders, social distancing sounds like fun. It's largely been described in terms of prohibition - school closures, cancellation of sporting events, and not crowding together with lots of other people in enclosed spaces. What has not been much considered are the positive aspects of social distancing - staying healthy by getting outdoors in the sunshine for some gentle exercise while keeping your brain active. So may we humbly suggest following expert advice? Stay two metres away from other people (within conversation range), get out into your garden - or pick one of our Wild Places you've never visited - and revel in the joys of Spring and Summer. And when you go home, remember to wash your hands.



Submitted by Melinda Bell on Mon, 16/03/2020 - 15:20


Cademan Wood this morning was a delight. The woods are waking up. Birds are busy scouting out nests. We met one birdwatcher and his dog. Get out there and feel really alive.