Market Bosworth & District Natural History Society


About us

The Market Bosworth & District Natural History Society is a group of very active local natural history enthusiasts.

The Society enjoys a comprehensive programme of both indoor and outdoor meetings. In addition the Society also monitors a wildflower meadow on Bosworth Park.

The Society was formed in January 1976 by twenty two local natural history enthusiasts. During the inaugural meeting it was agreed that the aims of the Society should be:-
• To cover every aspect of natural history, and cater for all interests.
• To hold monthly indoor meetings, and outdoor meetings wherever possible.
• To make detailed investigations, with records, of particular sites.

During the intervening years the Society has held closely to these aims and has grown to a current membership of around seventy.

Read more about our trips and activities

Contact us

Telephone: 01455 824148


Indoor Meetings 2024

Details of the 2024 indoor meetings are given below. Visitors are always welcome. Meetings start at 7:30pm and will be held at St Peter's School, Station Road, Market Bosworth, CV13 0NP. Confirmation of the meeting details will be emailed to members shortly before the meeting. Visitors are asked to contact Prue Crowley ( to arrange for details to be sent to you.

For indoor meetings there is no charge for members (but there is an annual membership fee). Visitors are invited to make a donation, suggested amount £3.00.

Tuesday January 16th
AGM and Members Evening.

Come and join us for a review of last year's meetings and outings and then enjoy a quiz with cheese and wine.

© Peter Sykes

Tuesday February 27th - POSTPONED: to be rearranged later this year.
The Eyes Have It - vision and eye-mimicry in the animal kingdom.

Dave Robinson

Among his wildlife interests, Dave is a keen bird and moth recorder. His science background has led him to explore how birds and moths have a second pair of “eyes” that they use to deter predators.


Tuesday March 19th
Bagworth Heath - a naturalist's year.

Dave Wright

Dave lives on the doorstep of this reclaimed coal workings and his natural history interest has led to him having an intimate knowledge of the plants and creatures that have colonised the site.


Tuesday April 16th
Fieldcraft: signs for mammals. 

Derek Crawley

Following last year’s fascinating talk on otters, Derek is making a return visit to decode for us the signs in the countryside that mammals are in or have passed through an area.


Tuesday May 21st
Ashdown Forest, South Downs and Knepp.

Nick Crowley

Ashdown Forest is the largest heathland in S.E. England, it has breeding redstarts and Dartford Warblers as well as rare flora. Lullington Heath on the South Downs contains acid loving plants growing on chalk. Sandwiched between the two areas is Knepp where the famous rewilding project is taking place.


Tuesday September 17th
Wildlife in Leicestershire Quarries.

Chris Hill

Leicestershire has many quarries both extracting hard road stone from ancient rocks and sand and gravels from the river valleys. Chris, who works for Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, will demonstrate how these old workings have become rich in wildlife.


Tuesday October 15th.
Amazing Bats. 

Tricia Scott

Tricia, who runs the Warwickshire Bat Group, will talk to us about all aspects of these fascinating mammals.


Tuesday November 19th.
Moth-balling the mower: creating meadows on mown grassland. 

Dave Nicholls and Kate Strong

Dave set up the nature recording site Naturespot and will give us a thought provoking presentation about promoting meadows where little in the way of wildlife exists and Kate will give a case study of what has been achieved on the verges and the churchyard at Peckleton.


Tuesday January 21st 2025.
AGM and Members Evening

A review of 2024.


Outings 2024

 All dates are provisional, the final details of each outing will be announced at the preceding indoor meeting, and emailed to members before the outing. Visitors are always welcome.


Saturday February 24th

Rutland Water

Saturday March 23rd

Urban walk in Leicester

Saturday April 20th

Bagworth Heath

Saturday May 18th

Sherwood Forest

Saturday June 15th

Loughborough Big Meadow

Saturday July 13th/20th

Butterfly transect/wildlife survey, Market Bosworth

Saturday August 10th/17th

Moths & Brunch

Saturday September 21st


Saturday October 12th

Fungi Foray (we hope to join with the Fungi Group on their outing)

Saturday November 23rd

Thornton Reservoir



Indoor Meetings 2021

During the Covid restrictions, our meeting were delivered via Zoom and recorded. You are welcome to watch them using the links below. 

Tuesday January 19th: AGM and talk,
The North Coast - a Botanical Odyssey

Ian Evans MBE
A short AGM, followed by a fascinating introduction to the botany of Cape Wrath to the Caithness border, from the Society’s very first speaker.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.  


Tuesday February 23rd:
The Spiti Valley & the search for Snow Leopards
Janet Lancaster

A remote Himalayan valley, including a search for Snow Leopards.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.  


Tuesday March 16th: Beacon Hill
James Lovatt

Beacon Hill’s past, present and future.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.

Tuesday April 20th: The Great Fen: not just 20 years old
Henry Stanier

The latest news of a 50-year project to create a huge wetland area between Peterborough and Huntingdon.

Tuesday May 18th: Northern Spain & Southern Morocco
Nick Crowley

An entertaining insight into the scenery and natural history of two wild areas of Europe.
Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.


Tuesday September 21st: Fascinating Fungi
Ben Devine

An enthusiastic introduction to fungi by a Senior Nature Conservation Officer of the Leicester City Council.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.
Note: This recording was made at an earlier event.

Tuesday October 12th: The Allerton Project
Dr. Alastair Leake

How to combine productive farming with wildlife conservation.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.  

Tuesday November 16th: Leics & Rutland Swift Partnership
Peter Williams
Aiding the conservation of Swifts in Leics & Rutland.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.  

Tuesday January 18th 2022: AGM & Talk, The Wonderful World of Spiders
Alan Cann

A short AGM followed by a fascinating introduction to spiders, a much misunderstood species.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.  

Indoor Meetings 2020

Tuesday November 24th:
Yellowstone in the Fall (and Grand Teton)
Nick Crowley

The scenery, geology and especially the wildlife of this well-known National Park.

Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.  


Tuesday December 8th​:
The North Yorkshire Turtle Dove Project
Richard Baines

The story of an award-winning project to help European Turtle Doves in North Yorkshire, set up and led by Richard Baines.

© Richard Bennett
Catch up on the talk by clicking on the picture below.