Recording Parish Wildlife
We would like more wildlife observations from the parish. So, if you've seen a species you recognise, from a Blue tit to a Bluebell, click on the header to find out what to do.
Surprising little is known about many of the species that live in the county. What is its distribution? How common or rare is it? Are these changing over time? These are vital questions which NatureSpot, with your support, can help to answer. All the data collected is shared to help inform conservation decision-making.
To submit a wildlife record, you need to be logged in then use the Submit Records form on the main menu above. Here you are asked for the date, where you saw it and what it was. You are guided through the form (hover on the blue ? icons) and more help is available by clicking the help link on the form. The map makes it very easy to enter a grid reference - just find the right area on the map and click!
TIP: to quickly get the map to zoom to your area, just type the name of the nearest village in the ‘Search Map To Find’ box and click 'search'.
If you have a photograph you can then upload this with your record. You can even upload an image of an unknown species if you would like some identification help - just select '?' from the species drop down menu.
If you need more help, try watching our YouTube video guide. Most people find it easy when they have used it once or twice but if you get stuck and need help, email