Submitted by Cjc101 on Fri, 26/10/2018 - 07:54

Hi all, 

I have seen 3 or 4 of these interesting looking creatures over the past 6 weeks crawling up the walls in my staircase. 

I am in Essex. 

The creature is about 10mm long, 3 mm wide and about 5mm in height.

It is dark brown or black. There is a yellow larvae protruding from stone kind of case. The case looks like fluff stuck to the larveas back but all of the examples I have seen have been the same.

I haven't found it looking through photos on Google or on your website. Investigation is difficult because I don't know where to start (I thought the first one I saw was an insect  It's only recently I've seen the larvea sticking out). My guess is a moth or butterfly larvea.

I'd like to know what it is our what it turns into.

Thanks for your help
