Submitted by afroclanis on Fri, 26/10/2018 - 12:10

Hello, I am currently using machine vision technology to study foraging in a number of species of eusocial hymenoptera (e.g. bumblebees and wasps). I am trying to get hold of (1) a small number of workers and (2) a viable colony of Vespa crabro vexator which I would like to relocate to Newcastle for further study. I am originally from Grantham and when visiting, I have noticed worker hornets along the Grantham canal in the Harby area. Is anyone able to help me to locate colonies (next year) or catch a few workers for me (now)?

I have a short video which shows the sort of observations I am making  (in this case on a wild colony of Vespula germanica in-situ) (see