Submitted by AJ Cann on Wed, 27/05/2020 - 07:42

We are currently at peak cranefly. These useful resources will help you identify them. More...

Although dry weather adversely affects craneflies, they are out there. Some craneflies are easy to identify, others less so, but that's where the very useful Cranefly Recording Scheme page on comes in. This site has a growing library of useful illustrated crib sheets, including:

  • Introduction to craneflies and cranefly recording
  • Crib sheet for tiger craneflies, genus Nephrotoma
  • Crib to UK woodland Limonia sp. craneflies

The page also lists draft keys to craneflies by Alan Stubbs and John Kramer. All the resources you need to become a cranefly expert! As with all records, any submissions you make to NatureSpot will be automatically forwarded to both local and national recording schemes.