Submitted by AJ Cann on Thu, 15/08/2024 - 12:06

crap photo

We are always happy to try and provide an ID for any wildlife you spot in Leicestershire and Rutland, but you need to play your part. More...

First, verbal descriptions alone (I saw a bee...) are unlikely to be successful, so to give us the best chance to help you, we need photos. But not all photos are equal:

  • Please include the date and location where the photo was taken (we're not experts on Spanish wildlife, or even species which only occur in Scotland). 
  • To confirm an ID often requires sharp, well-focussed and well-lit photos, ideally from several angles. 
  • Include a sense of size, either in words, or with a scale object included, e.g. a coin. 
  • Have a go at identifying the specimen first rather than just an 'ID please' request. There's no shame in being corrected - it's not a competition and if you are, you'll remember next time. If you are totally stumped then say so. This way your ID skills will develop over time.


Thanks to Steve Mathers for the suggestion.