Traveller's-joy - Clematis vitalba
Stout, clambering, woody climber to 30 metres. Leaves pinnate with toothed leaflets. Flowers greenish white 18 to 20 mm, fragrant, in large panicles, terminal or lateral. Fruits forming large, silvery grey silky masses that persist well into the winter.
Hedgerows, scrub.
July to September.
Locally fairly frequent in England south of the Humber and south Wales.
Quite local in its distribution in Leicestershire and Rutland. In the 1979 Flora survey of Leicestershire it was found in 50 of the 617 tetrads.
Leicestershire & Rutland Map
Enter a town or village to see local records
Yellow squares = NBN records (all known data)
Coloured circles = NatureSpot records: 2020+ | 2015-2019 | pre-2015
UK Map
Species profile
- Common names
- Traveller's-joy, Old Man's Beard
- Species group:
- Trees, Shrubs & Climbers
- Kingdom:
- Plantae
- Order:
- Ranunculales
- Family:
- Ranunculaceae
- Records on NatureSpot:
- 75
- First record:
- 24/08/1996 (Steve Woodward)
- Last record:
- 19/08/2024 (Pugh, Dylan)
Total records by month
% of records within its species group
10km squares with records
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