Hose, Harby Lane verges
Selected Wild Place / Other Wild Places / Public Rights of Way / VC55 boundary
The verge begins on Harby Road just north of the village hall and is well-signed.
Road verge
Total species seen at this site:
This long verge is 280m in length and between 2 and 3 metres wide. It is backed by a ditch and a hedge which includes Blackthorn, Ash, Hawthorn, Field Maple and Elder. A narrow 'visibility' strip is mown along the roadside and around the entrance gateways which cross the verge.
The verge being managed to improve biodiversity as part of the County Council/Parish Council verges biodiversity project. It has been surveyed by NatureSpot but we would welcome additional wildlife records (plants, animals or fungi) from the community.
The aim of the project is to demonstrate that by managing the grassland as a wildflower meadow it can support a much greater diversity of wildlife species. Different species come and go throughout the year so we will get a much better understanding of the biodiversity value of this site if local residents can add records of what they have seen. Please take a photo if possible and include it with your record, using NatureSpot's Submit Records form. Your record and any photos will then appear on this page!
Mowing will cease between April and August to allow the grasses and wildflowers to grow and bloom, providing food and cover to a wide variety of insects and other creatures.
The 2024 survey revealed 59 plant species along the verge (including 8 in the hedge).
A list of all the species found at the site, together with any images taken, appears below.
The verge grassland has a diverse and interesting grassland flora. Notable species include Oxeye Daisy, Red clover, Meadow Barley and Crested Dogstail. The Hogweed flowers provide a huge magnet for visiting pollinators and a number of bees, hoverflies and beetles were seen. The hedge at the rear is dominated by Blackthorn but regularly interspersed with other native species. A couple of medium-sized Ash trees grow along the hedge and the semi-shade provided favours a few different plant species, as does the damp ditch at the rear.
Signage along the verge.
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